by on July 6, 2018
So a couple weeks ago I decided that this was a platform I just had to be a part of. The work these ladies are doing, the fun they are having and the community they get to be a part of...Its amazing. I was sooooo nervous to meet ChaCha. I have been following her Boutiqe journey since it started, silently cheering her on from Instagram. Her drive alone is inspirational and, to be honest, slightly intimidating. But the second I introduced myself all the nerves went away. She is so welcoming and kind and professional and KNOWLEDGEABLE! I felt nothing but great vibes from the moment we met to the time I left about 2 1/2 hours later. I am so happy to be back in the modeling and promoting game and even more happy to be doing it with such a welcoming group of ladies! I am looking so forward to taking this journey with you all!
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