Sober Susan
by on June 18, 2018
So I haven't ever really been on a computer on this site. It's really hard for ,my to sit there and text out an entire synopsis of what I'm about and who I am. I have a broken knuckle so it's a little ore work and pain that I would rather not go through. I haven't talked about what I represent.
On my Instagram. I've talked about my role in the 420 Nurses and what I want to represent and do for the marijuana community.
My whole life I've been surrounded my marijuana. My mother, my father, my aunt, my siblings. Almost everyone I know and associate with smokes pot, other than me. Marijuana does such powerful things for people. Getting people to eat that have an eating disorder, getting people out of bed on the gloomy days, calming people down in senarios where they feel pure anxiety. I believe so strongly in the fact that everyone should have the right to go home and smoke a bowl, without it affecting their everyday life.
I don't smoke marijuana, I don't really drink, I don't use C-B-D very often. I'm just a square in the end of this. I'm okay with that though. I'm still showing my support as much as I possibly can.
(This was all scrambled and I'm sorry. I'm slightly scramble brained right now.)
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