by on June 10, 2018
I'm so glad I started to go to the Friday night and became a nurse, when I went to the recent sesh a man walked in having a light seizure with the help of some of the other 420 nurses we gave him distillate after 2 hits he was fine and stopped having it he gave me a hug & was so grateful I brought him in with me so he could get some other stuff(weed,wax,distillate,& C-B-D). HHetoldme he much rather come to the sesh instead of a dispensary & that the nurses were amazing there. It makes me so happy to be able to help people with epilepsy like me so I would like to thank the women who helped me with him
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Wow this is awesome!
Like June 13, 2018
It feels so good to see other benefit from this wonderful herb. I am glad you had a great time and the gentleman is ok.
Like July 1, 2018