by on May 26, 2018
I came to my first LA Chapter meeting since coming back to the 420Nurses. We all met at the 420Nurses Boutique and took photos and got to know each other before the meeting was started by Cha Cha VaVoom and Summer Rain. We all went around and introduced ourselves and why we're apart of the 420nurses. There were a ton of new faces to me, though it was nice to have BakedBabeBakin (my long time friend for over a decade) and Sidz there since I knew them the most. It was nice getting to hear everyone's stories and find out what their goals are being in the 420Nurses. I could really tell that they found this community and were instantly attracted to the sense of family and being able to grow strong relationships here. Since it can be hard to find other women to relate with, and it can be even harder to find ones that smoke cannabis as well. I love how it was obvious how different and unique everyone was. How everyone has their own style, preference for medicating, and goals within this community. I love finding out why people use cannabis and I love hearing what people's passions, what sparks their fire and gets them to get out of bed every day. I know nature, science, mushrooms, cannabis and healing get me going. I've always been a helper by nature, and even more so groomed as one as I helped out my chronic and terminally ill sister. I wish she was still around to see how many advancements the cannabis industry has made and how much easier it would be for her to medicate nowadays versus the early days of hash oil. I really loved being able to feel how genuine everyone was and how driven they are to be apart of something bigger and better. I'm excited to see and meet even more interns, whether new or OG. And a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Skyyehighh and BabyReyy for becoming Official Interns!!! It really is a huge accomplishment and those ladies are always so sweet and genuine. Much love <3
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