by on May 14, 2018
Living with mental health disorders can be the toughest thing in someone’s life. I’ve been struggling with MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) and GAD (Generaized Anxiety Disorder) since the very young age of 7. It caused me to fall behind in school because my anxiety would stop me from even going. For years my mental health struggled, getting worse and worse until I discovered cannabidiol (C-B-D). I had been smoking weed since I was 15 but didn’t learn about C-B-D until I was 19. When I took my first dab of C-B-D during a panic attack, I immediately felt my muscles relax and my anxiety sweep away. Ever since, I try to take C-B-D in some form to help me calm down when I’m panicking or even sedate me if I’m too anxious. C-B-D helped me and it could help you too! Give it a try!
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