by on April 18, 2018
We are all apart of the cannabis community. We should always be kind and supporting to one another because we're all passionate about marijuana and I honestly believe we all just want to see a better more peaceful world. To have a more peaceful world we should always try to maintain kindness and positivity. If you have someone negative, toxic or unsupportive of you in your life you should walk away kindly and peacefully without ever looking back or holding a grudge. Grudges harm only yourself really, or they bring pain to other people's lives and we really shouldn't want pain or suffering for anyone. There's so many dumb ridiculous trivial things people hate on each other for. I question why people worry about such little things when they could be worried about more important things. Why does it matter if you look better than someone?? And really just because someone is beautiful doesn't make you any less beautiful. You're still beautiful and so are they but both of you in different types of ways. Accept and embrace the beauty of yourselves and the beauty of others. If you think someone is beautiful tell them. There's no reason to feel jealous, you're still beautiful too. They could honestly feel the same way as you so let them know they're beautiful! Spread kindness, love, smiles, good vibes, and keep passing joints, blunts, bongs, and rigs! xoxoxoxx -Skye
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