by on March 21, 2018
It seems that history has taught women that the only way to survive is to turn against each other and to view each other as competition. In a way it kind of makes sense, but come on ladies, who only wants to survive?!
I don’t know about you, but I want women to THRIVE not just survive. And the only way this is ever going to happen is by women empowering women!
By empowering each other, we can do amazing things.
We can change the world. We can – to quote Michael Jackson – make it a better place.
We’ve got to start loving, stop hating. Do more encouraging and less criticising. Work together not apart.
Recognise that our strength lies in being united, not at each others’ throats. We’ve got to praise each other each, spread the love, support, encourage and shout about others’ victories and achievements.
Ladies, it is time we started to celebrate womankind and all that that entails. It is time we celebrated each other.
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Yasss we are eachothers greatest strength <3
Like March 21, 2018
Spoken like a strong woman<3 We should always be encouraging one another & helping each other grow. Love this Skyye<3
Like March 23, 2018