by on February 27, 2018

For my first blog entry I thought it would be cool to talk about the Diamond Dabber Competition Hosted By Summer Rain! It was on Febuarary 2nd of this year! The goal of the competition was to take as many dabs as possible back to back with no more than five seconds in between each dab. I almost didn’t sign up because I personally Cough a lot and was scared I wouldn’t be able to take more than 10 maximum.. and even that felt like a reach. But my boyfriend convinced me to sign up, so I did. Once I started taking my dabs I got in the zone. I took dab after dab after dab. Then they told me I should stop because they were running out of wax from the sponsor. So I took one more dab and made it a total of 55 Dabs! I was stoked and proud of myself. Everyone else in the competition also did really well!! I didn’t go first, so when the first girl went and when she made it to 20 Dabs I thought “no way can I do this.” But I still went for it anyways and I’m glad I did. I won an amazing infamous glass rig that I’ve used every day since! Plus a cute ass trophy that says “Diamond Dabber Competition” On itߒΰߒ
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Like July 7, 2018