by on February 7, 2018
Well lets start with , my name is Alyssa Im a 27 year old mother and wife. Until three and half years ago I was healthy and working and able to do everything anyone else can do. I was diagnosed with a pituitary adenoma( a tumor located in the master gland at the base of the frontal cortex behind the left optic nerve.) I had been having these intense headaches for years and slowly over time they began to progress into a pain I can only describe as an 18-wheeler truck fully loaded park on my skull and its on fire. After about a year of precription after prescrition and nothing helping my doctors started noticing I was losing weight to fast I looked sickly and worst of all from all the drugs they had me on I was now going bald. They finally started running blood tests and having me come in for MRI's and CT scans once a month. But nobody was telling me what was wrong nobody would tell me i had cancer. I got so angry nobody would help me get better I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I lost my job shortly after because my doctor decided after vision changes and the seizures started I was no longer fit to work or drive. I think that was the hardest part for me having my sense of freedom and ability to provide taken from me. After that I stopped going to see my doctors because my insurance was never going to pay for the surgery I need or for all the pillss they wanted me to take. I did my research and found a C-B-D and thc regimen that works best for me and my medical needs. Come August I'm scheduled to have an MRI and CT scan of the brain to see if there are any changes in my tumor size. I still have days where I have seizures and where my hands shake. Everyday is a battle and this mamma is nowhere near giving up!
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<3 Sending my Good Vibes~ <3
Like February 8, 2018