Kraken Love
by on February 1, 2018
So I know I haven't been as active as I would hope to be. And I am trying to change that as I line up priorities and figure out what's going on with the new year.
It's been one crazy year so far already, lost my fur baby norm but he made a safe return home so yay for that. Haha
I guess I would say I've been struggling with the balance of being a cannabis activist at a job completely against it's use, well not completely against, just that if you are a patient, medical in NM, there is no protection for that employee.. since still federally recognized as a drug.. bummer. So it feels sometimes I feel halved, I'm me but not fully me at all times. Idk I could be just babbling nonsense. But I just know this is another good stepping stone that helps me push myself to work towards the actual career I hope and plan to have one day.
So here is a little bit I know I'll continue more later on, just gotta start working haha
Have a wonderful day beautiful!
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