by on September 27, 2017
Well, my profile has been verified and I'm so stoked to be more involved with 420 Nurses! Share some of my personal ganja pics, read/join discussions, preferences, etc...
I figured I'd introduce myself! My name's Tiffany, born and raised in Chico California but currently located in Sacramento Cali!
I'm 23 and have been smoking ganj since 6th grade for a number of reasons, but mostly at that time because.. it was f'ing fun!
But other things such as C-B-D oils have helped my life, and a life even more special than mine, my cats. Man, for a long time I thought I was going to lose her due to inflamation in her nostrils and throat; she could hardly breathe! She's my black kitty cat I've had since I was 14 and she's still going strong, but sensitive! Most importantly, she can breathe!!!
In May, I was in a bad car crash, involving the car I had just finished paying off (wahhhh, whatever though), but I am alive. The crash definitely took a toll on my body, and especially the scoliosis I already had, and that's where edibles came in for me!! My experiences before the accident with edibles left me feeling like I was going to die at times hahahah in a great way, but now I'm left in total zen. It helps me not think of discomfort I may be feeling, and takes me to total relax mode, not to mention the giggles.
I am all around sooooo totally about Cannabis and the benefits of it. And the hustle the comes with it. It's all a world in its own! Now how great is that.
I heard of 420 Nurses a couple years back through my good gal friend and I had always wondered about it, and she seemed to really love it all as well!
All in all, I want to be more active in the THC movement. Promote. Enjoy. Have fun. Help.
Thanks for having me! Hope we all can connect some more!

- Tiffany Rose Burrows
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