Acinonyx rex
by on September 18, 2017
Yesterday I went to the Smoking Treehouse. It's amazing chill and off the chain. So many vendors, but with my injured ankle and leg I only saw about half. But even that was cool!! And I got to use my mouthpiece for free dabs, and I'm not gonna lie you feel special like a rockstar for the time your hitting that rig. I want to go to the next one, oh I hope I can!!!! It was so much fun and the Aptos nurses and Smoking Treehouse were so nice and friendly. My only complaint is that I had to leave to go to the bathroom. Yes they had porta pottys' but the were on a trailer up off the ground. Something I couldn't climb up to go to the bathroom. So my cuz got the car and we left the event saying we'd be back. And we looked for the nearest place which turned out to be Starbucks. So I got coffee, yay! Then we went back and enjoyed ourselves until it ended. At the end I got to hang with panda a bit and she was super cool and really like to hang more with her and Amanda, and do nurse stuff.
And a shoutout to Smoking Treehouse who has been phenomenally nice.

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