by on September 14, 2017

When you think of edibles (cannabis-infused foods,) your mind probably goes straight to the old standbys: cookies and brownies. Right? But while the CBDs you get from edibles are good for your body, all that sugar and empty calories are not. So, what to do when you’re trying to stick to a healthy diet but you’d rather eat your green medicine than smoke it? Get creative: go savory!

For instance, try rubbing dried cannabis on piece of fatty fish (omega-3 fatty acids!) like in this “Baked” Salmon recipe. You might even love the flavor more than rosemary & thyme! And, not only does this recipe not have any added sugar, it also has no added fat; the natural fat in the fish is all you need to infuse the dish with cannabis AND it provides you with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Bonus!

“Baked” Salmon
Temp: 325°
Baking time: 25-30 minutes
baking pan (preferably glass)
aluminum foil
(2) 6oz Salmon Fillets (the fattier the better)
Dried Cannabis (to preference)
optional: Rock Salt (Kosher Salt or Himalayan Sea Salt) to taste

Pre-heat oven to 325°.
Pat salmon dry.
Place skin-side down in baking pan
Take a large pinch (approx. 1-2Tbsp) of dried cannabis and rub it between your palms, then sprinkle it on the salmon as you would any other herb. (Potency is difficult to gauge in this recipe so, start small and adjust accordingly each time you make the dish.)
Sprinkle a bit of rock salt on top of each fillet. (Skip this step if you’re on a low-sodium diet.)
Cover baking pan with aluminum foil
Bake for approximately 25-30 minutes at 325°, until desired doneness is achieved. If the fish flakes easily with a fork its done
A delicious (and nutritious!) accompaniment to salmon is asparagus, which can be prepared while your salmon isSautéed Garlic "Asparagrass"
3-4 Tbsp butter or olive oil (or a combination of both)
Dried Cannabis (to preference)
3-4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 bunch fresh asparagus
sauté pan (or frying pan) with lid
wooden spoon or spatula
Trim the ends off of the asparagus
Place the butter/oil, chopped garlic, and cannabis in the pan. (Like with the salmon, place about 1-2Tbsp of cannabis between your palms and rub them together to break up the herb before sprinkling it into the pan.)
Slowly reduce the butter mixture over low heat on the stovetop.
Once fully melted, turn up the heat to medium so the butter simmers.
Add asparagus to the pan and move it around with tongs until each spear is basted in the butter mixture.
Cover and let simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, until asparagus is tender. baking. If you choose to sauté it, this is another opportunity to add cannabis to your meal
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