by on September 9, 2017
Now that I'll have more time on my hands I can finally get round to being more active as a 420Nurse intern! I sadly could not get back into the US for not having enough ties to my home country, as I've been traveling since the beginning of the year and I'm self employed. So my mission now is to return to my home country being South Africa to try and apply for a visa (This time we will get lawyers involved muaha) and soon enough I'll be back in cali with my fiancé and our furbaby ❤ being in California for the past 3 months has been so inspirational for us. Cannabis has been one of our major passions for years of our lives, growing it, smoking it, eating it, breathing it. Using it medicinally especially. Our dream is to work within the Cannabis industry in many and any ways possible. 420Nurses gives me inspiration on the daily to spread my love of cannabis as well as this beautiful, budding cannabis community (family ❤Wink my soul yearns for the day I will be back in LA with my girls, smoking up, spreading love and learning new things. Unfortunately all my gear is in LA at the moment (I swear I packed a tank even, but I didn't ffs) heartbroken really, but my man goes back in 2 days and hes going to send me all my clothes yaaaaay. Plus I'm about to place an order for more gear! I love the new clothing ah. So excited ❤❤❤

I'll keep you beautiful humans updated on my journey back to Cali. On the way, I hope to meet many other ladies like me who love cannabis and would love to become a 420nurse stay lovely and lifted !! ❤❤❤
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