by on August 2, 2017
Hi new friends! Since I am fairly new here, I thought I would write a little blog to tell you about myself and why I joined 420 Nurses! So here goes...

Although I am not a Colorado Native, I moved here when I was 6 and have been here ever since and I totally live the Colorado lifestyle from nature to weed! I have been running long distance (anywhere from 5ks to half marathons) ever since I was 11 years old, which has resulted in a lot of injuries.

Around the age of 14 (I was a freshman in high school) I began smoking weed recreationally. At this time marijuana was not legal recreationally or medically in Colorado.

Marijuana became medically legal in Colorado in 2000, and I became a med patient in 2001 due to pain in my foot caused by all of the running (I have both plantar fascitis and tendinitis in my right foot, it kinda blows). Man, getting a med card back then was such a hastle!! I still hold my med card even though it is legal recreationally here (Med card holders do not have to pay the same taxes that recreational users do, making it cheaper to use your med card). And hot damn, am I excited about how easy it is to renew your card these days! You can even print it online or just show your copy of your card from your phone! Ah, technology.

Psilocybin_ was the one who first opened my eyes to 420 Nurses. We met through Suicide Girls so I had been creeping on her for a while, then I noticed she started sharing about 420 Nurses and I had to ask her "What's this?". She explained to me how it was a great way to network, find work, and also make good friends and I was intrigued. So I FINALLY joined after her nagging me a bit (ha ha, not really nagging) and I am happy I did. Everyone welcomed me with open arms!!!

Aside from smoking weed (and running), I also enjoy hiking, hula hooping, and reading (usually while high, haha).

I can't wait to receive my intern package and get more involved on the site! So come say hi, and tell me a little about yourselves! Let's be friends!

Love, Lo
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