by on May 30, 2017
Just got off the phone with Miss Tokahontas ߒ and she's so awesome!
With more guidance on how I can achieve my goals, it should be no time before I'm onto meeting new friends, starting wonderful careers and even going to events.
I can't wait to start meeting all you lovelies ڰߒڰߒ I want to start making friendships and furthering not only my own career but working with many others to further theirs also. Maybe even expand up in Big Bear a little bit ڰߘ I can't wait to become part of the family and start furthering my message of how C-B-D and thc can really help save and better lives.
With anxiety and chronic illness, I'm anxious to burst out of my shell and start moving forward in life, with my career and start working more with you all. I cant wait to get to know you all ɰߒڰߒ
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