by on January 19, 2017
Chalice !!

Okay so forgive me everybody, I'm finally about to write this blog about my first experience at chalice 2016 !!
I don't know where to start but maybe with how grateful I am to be a part of 420Nurses giving me many different doors to open for myself. I have an invisible illness is why I feel so connected to cannabis strongly. Attending chalice was the best experience I've had with 420Nurses and I can't wait to attend to big events like it again !! Chalice was a great experience for me cuz my hearings made it interesting since I'm deaf and had fun helping out the whole 3 days !! It wasn't all easy but challenging and fun for me. At one point I was by myself with jimmy at the booth while couple of the girls went with summer and cha cha to the stage for the giveaways and I had customers coming requesting about stuff and I had to use my power to make everything smoothly at that point by trying my best to read lips, using my hand gesture and serving people their purchase making them happy.. ((:
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