by on January 16, 2017
Well folks, things went frm bad to worst for me over the holidays and current. I got the restraining order on my ex, and since he didn't show up to court on the 3rd of this month, the judge ordered that the restraining order lasts for 3yrs. Now don't get me wrong, I'm trying to obey the restraining order, but my ex is making it impossible for me too. So, now that he's been fucking shit up for me, I'm now faced with a 30 day notice to vacate where i live all over him. He's been yelling up at my window nasty ass shit about me and causing a scene. So they're putting me out because of that...yeah I've been breaking it too, but i been trying everything in my power not to, but he has been nagging me non stop about him being cold and shit,and I've been telling him there's nothing i can do...but he's not being understanding about all of this at all. But come tomorrow I'm going to talk to my management about this 30 day notice, and hopefully they will reconsider it...but until tomorrow...idk what else to do. Like, I'm being pushed against the ropes, and i don't want to come off the ropes swinging, but fuck it!
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