by on December 27, 2016
I want to start off by saying how I am super stoked about this event. Have you seen all the headlining artist that are going to be there? On top of that the glass blowing that we're going to be able to see I cannot wait! especially for the black light art and mostly of all I just cannot wait to mix mingle and socialize with everybody in the Cannabis community there are so many nice people out there and so many things to learn I cannot wait network with eveyone. I want to proudly rep my fellow 420nurses to the fullest. I hope most of you will try to attend this event. It will be like no other. I will have some xtra room in my car if any ladies would like to carpool let me knowm. Lets get the word out about this event its literally going to be fucking lit! I hope I can work the 420nurse booth and even walk around and take pics of the event so we can document and promote such an awesome event. I also think this is the perfect place to network and even recruit new 420nurses. lets do this ladies!!!!
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