by on November 23, 2016
I'm thankful for a lot of thinks.
But the main thing I'm thankful for is my family and my health
My family here at 420nurses has become apart of my family here at home and I'm so thankful to have so many people to have around me
I'm also thankful for my health, although I fight with it sometimes I'm still fighting to be happy with it. And I am,
I'm thankful for my cats, I love them to death, they are my children.
I'm thankful for my money, although I don't spend much of it on myself I'm thankful to beable to help others.
I'm thankful for my husband, hes my support, my rock, and my teddy bear to cry on.
I'm thankful for my Glass, and all the people who blew them. Talent is real!
I'm thankful for my home as not a lot of people have a home.
I'm thankful for my cars, not a lot of people can afford or do not drive.
I'm thankful for love.
I'm thankful for tears.
I'm thankful hearbreak
I'm thankful for happiness and joy
I'm thankful for life and nature
And last of all I'm thankful for the earth we live on.
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