by on November 11, 2016
Hello ladies...let me properly introduce myself, my name is Tasha Marie Holmes. My nicknames are Tushuu, spongebob, and Tash. I live here in San Diego, Ca but I'm originally from, born and raised, New Orleans, La. I was a "runaway" foster child that got pregnant and displaced in Baton Rouge, La by hurricane Katrina. I then, afer the hurricane had passed, then went back to New Orleans, still a runaway, and went on and lived at a homeless shelter for a couple of months or so, then i decided to just leave that life behind and start a new one here in San Diego, Ca. I have to admit, i was scared shitless, i was young, pregnant and didn't know a soul here in California, but i just had to escape my old life and begin a new one for not just only me but my child also. I didn't want for my child to grow up in foster care....which, I'll leave that for another blog cause it's a very touchy subject and i don't want to get teary eyed right now...but yeah, i now that i look back at my life,i have to say thank you hurricane Katrina for being my escape goat, i would have never came this far as a strong woman and survivor to be able to share my story, my life with you ladies...cause i would have been here if it wasn't by the grace of god...seriously. But that's all for this part of my blog...stay tune for the rest of my story....
✌ ߒ and happiness.
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