by on October 19, 2016
SO has you all know these past two days I started working in office at headquarters on calls . Its been quite a journey I loved every minute of it! I got to speak to all sorts of different girls the atmosphere was amazing! I never knew how working in the office would be like but I do love the experience I am getting from it helping these girls out means so much to me and them just giving me a moment of there time to talk to me about how they are doing means more to me! I also want to give a BIG SHOUTOUT to CHACHAVAVOOM and SUMMER RAIN for all the hard work they put in for 420 nurses sometimes we don't recognize all the hard work these girls do for us and how they are always here for us just like family ! I love you guys! I hope all of you reading this rolls a fat joint for me and have a great NIGHT!
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