by on July 11, 2016
So sorry everyone I meant to post another blog of Shatter Says but I was working Chalice Festival. I just wanted to share my experience at my first chalice festival. So the first day I was just walking around checking out the festival, talking to the other venders ,and promoting. Day 2 of Chalice and I was promoting for eureka vapors I ended up meeting a really amazing guy. I had no idea that anything would come out of this since I came to Chalice with a boyfriend who was back home taking care of stuff we needed. It was literally like love at first sight when I saw him. I thought he was the cutest and he told me if your boyfriend doesn't marry you in five years I will. That meant a lot because for the last few months I have been getting disrespected left and right. There used to be sparks between me and Tony everything use to feel like magic when I dabbed this guy out with the pen I felt that electricity for the first time in a long time. If you are in an unhealthy relationship dont waste your time staying stuck and getting disrespected the whole time you are just wasting you time when you could be out living life and staying positive. I love Tony he is my first love and always has been it's just i can keep pretending that im happy when im not. There was too many signs and coincidences that add up to not make me want to pursue getting to know this person more. His girl had betrayed him too and he was having the same relationship problems. So just meeting someone who would tuck into a dark corner during the MGK concert and listen to me talk about every problem, the abuse, and everything I was dealing with. I ended up not being able to fight the enviable and we ended up sharing our first kiss. Every kiss was seriously like magic I couldn't stop and his eyes are as blue as mine. It was like he was pitching me like i pitch vendors he had me sold from the second he told me that I deserved better and that if I ever needed anything that I shouldn't hesitate to ask. I honestly feel like I met my soulmate at Chalice Festival and I will do anything to fight for this boy and to make him happy. I will wait till the end of time for you Tyler you really stole my heart from the moment I saw you and I do not regret anything that happened at Chalice Festival because like I said I think this is meant to be. I wouldn't of met such a sweet, honest, caring boy by coincidence the signs were their from the moment I found out he was scorpio, meeting someone with the same name, and all the wonderful signs that god carefully laid out for us. So babe I don't care if pictures come up all I care is about making you happy for the rest of my life. I really can't wait to see where this takes us. If we aren't meant to be together I met a really great friend. I love that he blows glass as well. He has been where I have been. Now I know there was reason why I was always draw to Oregon because I believe that I met someone who i can see myself spending the rest of my life with. I can't wait to see where the future takes us. I can't wait to hear back from him since sadly we lost both of our phones. Only time can tell everything happens for a reason. After this weekend I am moving out of my house and back to my parents and I'm planning on starting a san bernandino county! So girls if you live out that way and are interested in becoming a 420nurse or joining our chapter then let me know I promise I will make it happen with in the next month or so. Well I know I said I wouldn't post anything about us but honestly babe I feel way to strong about you. Tyler you have my heart now and I'm so glad I met you. Mwah i cant wait to kiss you again my love.
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