by on June 27, 2016
Hello everyone it's me.
Long time since I've blogged. But I wanted to just let everyone know about chalice this year. I'm so excited for it this year. I haven't been to many events but every time I do attend I meet so many influential people. At XO gold cup last October and met so many positive roll models. If you are still trying to get your foot in the door, you meet so many people from all walks of life that are willing to teach and help you. Not only that but each event is always different, so you are introduced to so many different products. I really want to go to this event because this event, I'm actually going as a nurse...not a 420nurse a nurse. I want to go to actually learn. This year and five year study was concluded on marijuana and this study showed evidence that marijuana when consumed daily in large quantities has no negative adverse effects on the human body. With this study this can help move this industry so much further. I plan on posting details of chalice on my instagram, the nurses page, as well as snapchat. I really hope I am selected yo go to chalice. I'm a very hard worker and those who know how XO gold cup went, I worked three days straight no break, didn't even get to see all of the booths :,(
I will follow up with blogs of all the products I try at Chalice.
Thanks friends
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Like June 28, 2016