by on June 22, 2016
I am so excited for my growth in the cannabis community and the 420 nurse industry's I have grown so much in the 3 months of being a 420 nurse already 4 months and I sponsor a lot of cannabis companies and love doing what I do for company's and getting company's products store front I'm not in the 420 nurse business for competition not gossip or drama even though that happens still remember we are adults and all for the community and cannabis I love everything that I do im so proud to say that now I'm a San Diego 420 nurse Treasure and I love how I'm just moving up and just being active helping and learning and just being apart meeting so many nice different cannabis patients and hearing how cannabis cures them the amazing stories I hear are wonderful and knowing other 420 nurse's I love also I can not wait to see what's ahead of me and thier for me in this community I'm so happy Blessߒ and one love˰ߒٰߒܰߒ۰ߒϰߒϰߒϰߒϰߒ
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