by on May 25, 2016
So I'm really excited for the Marijuana Edible Sesh this Sunday! There are going to be lots of fun contests, food, and plenty of 420nurses. I really enjoyed the intern meeting yesterday! And finally meeting lovelyladyhash if you arent already her fan you should check her out she tattoos and she is gorgeous! I can't wait to get the cute outfit we are all going to wear! I'm going to go to universal collective right now. If any girls are interested in becoming nurses don't be afraid to hit me up I can help you! I just am already in love with being a 420nurse intern. It's a lot of fun and i cant wait to start help changing lives and making a difference. I want to learn all i can learn about bud and how it helps people. I want to live and breathe it. Well i can't wait!
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