by on April 15, 2016
I wasn't always this self assured woman you see in these photos. I had to endure a lot of negativity in order to be the woman i am today. I constantly see girls these days who are so insecure and that breaks my heart. Especially since there can only be ONE YOU in the world. I try to encourage the people around me to be themselves. I make sure everything i say is positive and avoid the negative. because I do not ever want to be the person who makes another person sad. I used to be bullied when i was younger. I never realized how bad it affected me until one day i ran out of class and cried because i was ridiculed in class. My classmate actually ran out after me and consoled me. She made me laugh and walked back into class with me. This is when I decided I was going to be the most positive person and maybe one day i could be the person who makes someone laugh who had just been crying. I just want people to realize that even though words are just words they can still hurt as bad as a knife. I don't care who the person is, if i see anyone crying i will try with all my power to make that person happy again.