by on March 24, 2016
Happy today was a very beautiful day celebrating my oldest daughter ߎ today she turned 14 me and my youngest daughter enjoyed the seals up close in person the glow and smile on my daughter face was priceless i love her so this baby seal was °ߘ for along time for his mommy cause the °ߚ seal wanted to eat the mom was gone for a long time out of ܰߑ where this seal came out of water on to shore and started going around shore and it was the baby seal who was cruing mom the mom then kissed her baby and rolled over to feed it was the most beautiful thing to see up close all the seals and the sound of the ocean and waves i had the most nicest experience my bestfriend took me cause i have not been thier before we really enjoyed today was a very beautiful day la jolla cove is very nice got to go back again
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