by on March 20, 2016
Hey 420 Fam!
I'm at our Los Angeles HeadQuarters getting ready to head out to the Edibles Sesh!
This will be my first edibles sesh, so i'm very excited to see all the booths, what companies will be out, and what this event has in store! This is going to be a great opportunity to get out there and not only have a good time and her hella stoned, but NETWORK! yay:]

If anyone is going to be at the Edibles Sesh, don't forget to stop by the 420nurses Booth :] Take pictures with us, dab, and enjoy the vibez. We will be collecting signature, once again, before 4/20 for the CCHI 2016 Legalization ! Let's help re- legalize California together :]

Stay tuned for more photos and add me on Snap Chat to get in on the 420 nurses fun <3
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I added you Peanut~ ^.^ I'm mewinabubble :3
Like March 21, 2016
i didn't get it, but i just added you right meow babes :]
Like March 24, 2016