by on February 16, 2016
From a video I watched.
" A lot of people are worse off than you, you know. I'm getting tired of hearing about this. Oh hunny snap out of it. You're kinda dragging me down. Can we stop with the Pitty party. You'd never talk to someone like that with cancer. Don't talk to someone like this with depression. Depression is real. Life threatening."

Now my words about it; People with depression aren't seeking for attention, some just don't know how to hide it. Depression is real and is life threatening. Never ever talk to anyone like this or in any form like this with depression, it only makes the depression much worse when people think it's a "Pitty party" or a "sob story" or "you're just wanting attention" or "just snap out of it". It's definitely not a sob story and you can't just snap out of it. Sorry that's not how depression works. Depression can last year's and sometimes a life time because that person took their life over being depressed. #depression #awareness #depressionisreal #lifethreatening
IF YOU know someone you think might be suffering from depression please please please reach out to them and talk to them, let them know they can get through this especially when they have someone by their side.
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