by on February 2, 2016
First time meeting Gemini & Kandi... And lemme tell you, these girls got the touch! I don't usually like EDIBLES. They always have this massive taste of butter and shake... Blah! BUUUT, this cute lil pink donut with sprinkles totally changed that bitter thought of an edible entering my mouth at any point... The frosting was amazing, I thought," this can't be medicated." As I start chewing the bread it was so soft!

Perfectly baked, no gooey dough in the center. I enjoyed every bit of it! I did smoke a blunt on the way home seeing as I had about 45 minutes until I hit LA., but I know that lil baby doze did the body good cus I got home, ate, and it was Zzzz buddy bye bye. Great sleep! Thanks ladies! Can't wait to try those cute ass cup cakes you have! Until next time, keep it sweet ߍаߍͰߍưߍ̢ݤ️ߍpߑװߏܰߒpߏݰߙ˰ߏ
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Omg!This made my whole day!! Your words are too kind. There's no better joy for me then knowing someone enjoyed our creations. Thank you!
Like February 3, 2016
Keep up the good work ladies, u guys are an inspiration!
Like February 3, 2016