by on February 2, 2016
An hour of travel, looking forward to getting there meeting new ppl and represent LA to the greatest. Finally get there and Chacha greets like the great hostess she is.... Summer couldn't have been more welcoming❤️

Oddly enough we sat in a circle while dabs burnt in the center and we sat around cheif'n.. We all told our stories one by one, and gotta say I was proud to be in a room filled with such great entrepreneurs. Perfect examples one by one, expressing how they were making it in the industry and growing as women.

Happy to have met all you girls and look forward to getting to know each and every one of you girls and becoming an official nurse! See you at the next meet!
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Wow that sounds absolutely amazing I can't wait to sit in that circle ♡♡♡ peace and love 420nurse fam
Like February 15, 2016