by on February 2, 2016
I don't think i've been truly passionate about something until I became active in the 420 Industry.
My passion for Cannabis grows more and more! I have no problem walking anywhere repping my 420Nurses gear loud and proud!
When people talk negatively about Cannabis or 420Nurses, I honestly take it offensively. I try my hardest to keep my composure and not take it too personally, but rather just say something to help someone understand and still respect their opinion, because everyone is entitled to an opinion, even if its not in agreement with mine.

Some of my family members are conservative or religious and feel negatively about Cannabis -- Either they have their own opinion, religious views and are simply not informed on the medicinal benefits of this plant and just solely judge on the recreational use of it. Slowly but surely, the more I open my mouth, rep 420 gear, and try to normalize a pot leaf, the more I notice people are interested in learning more about it.
From my parents, cousins, some aunts, to my Grandma, have all tried to make an understanding of what i'm standing up for and we can talk about it openly and they ask for my advice, information, or different forms of utilizing Cannabis (mind you, my family has never been able to talk freely about "such things").

My Grandma has arthritis and body pains and wants to stop taking harmful medication. My cousin got her a C-B-D tincture to try, but she was a little hesitant. She brought it out to me and asked me questions, i was honest about using this plant recreationally as well as why I need it as a medicinal use and after I had given her more tips on how it can benefit her more, she was so happy and so pro weed now and she said it was because she simply just wasn't informed of what this "devil's lettuce" was truly about. That made me feel really good to know that of all people, my grandma would be okay with Weed as seeing this as a positive and actually try it to help her own health.

Just a couple days after, my Mom was telling me about a documentary she found really interesting about C-B-D saving a child from having countless seizures in a day to only having a few!!! Please check it out. This story was so helpful to hear about real results of cannabis and helping not only adults, but children and in a healthy way instead of using harmful drugs!

My mom has been so wonderful from the start, but even more now with supporting me in my journey with the Cannabis Community! She told me after she watched this, that she was proud of me for standing up for what I believe in and having a voice in this movement.
When she would be asked from others what my job is.. she doesn't say, model, or lie about me being in the industry, she just says an "Activist" and it felt really good to know she supports me and is proud of me for my passion to learn more and inform people of this movement regardless of the conservatives judgments and negative viewings on Cannabis.

This morning, I called her and needed some positivity. My EXTREMELY judgemental aunt comments on one of my photos in my 420nurses gear
'I Love you but not the 420". She has always been that way, making rude or judmental comments to people, but recently she's tried not to and my face book is usually just for family use so I don't post half of the things I post on the 420nurses network or instagram out of respect for my family that doesn't agree with certain things I do in my life. Welllll... I posted this photo: and my reponse to her comment was "Lol everyone has their opinions on things they don't understand. Love you !" I didn't go out of my way and flip out on her knowing she will put a "nice/nasty" comment on every photo. I didn't think it was necessary for her to make that comment when she constantly lets me know her close minded stance on Marijuana. Which is fine, not everyone HAS to be pro weed, but educate yourself on the matter, so you can have an educated argument or conversation.
But my mom changed my mood from 0-100 by letting me know i'm standing up for what I believe in and sometimes, it takes people alot longer to realize you can have different opinions and voice them, but still have RESPECT for other's different opinions.

And I feel that is so important. Regardless of the negative comments, I will STILL continue to learn more about Cannabis and fight for the decriminalization of Cannabis so we can toke in PEACE and patients can have access to their medicine without it being a crime!

I've never voted since I turned 18. I guess it's because I didn't really care or think my vote mattered. This year, Cha Cha and Summer informed me of the importance of the legalization of Cannabis, the correct way! I've been in this industry for a couple years, and it's time i stood up for this movement another way- by voting and gathering signatures for CCHI! The time is NOW!
So thankful to be apart of 420Nurses and have motivational women by my side in our community!!

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BEAUTIFUL !!!! I can't wait for the day my grandma lights up a joint or purchases C-B-D products on her own! I'm happy for you and you're awakening family that's such a rare thing good for you sista! !!!
Like February 15, 2016 Edited