by on October 28, 2015
School Prompt Do you think Society has changed for the better or the worse? My school is online so basically stuff like this doesn't count because I wrote this essay and it gave me a 0% I thought I share with everyone because this simple question got my juices pumping and started my thoughts flowing. So I thought maybe it would be a good idea to have an additional prompt every week like something more deeper and intense ? Smile Thank you for whoever reads <3

Society, can we really call it a society anymore? Of course there still lye's civilization but is anyone really living? Were born, were taught, but as soon as they teach us they control us. When you are taught by two parents you are only taught by there perspective's there experience's and in most cases parents, people are close minded they have no imagination. It is probably because it was ripped from them as a child. Kindergarten was an awesome grade! ill even say 1st grade was pretty cool. Living with two drug addicts parents can be for freeing yet heartbreaking. I have perspective from being a basket case home and a hard working loving home. Either way you can come out miserable and lost. It honestly doesn't matter where you come from. What matters is if you seek truth or not. if you discover you're self and new beautiful things. if you live you're life instead of letting everyone push you around. Society has its perks but most of society has not evolved for the greater good. Basically half of the world is over weight or evil. We have amazing singer's and artist's spreading evil. Then of course theirs the amazing beautiful artists and actress spreading peace and prosperity. Men are a big problem they just don't know how to be gentlemen anymore. These rappers that young men look up to, Expect them to sex a bunch of woman and never catch feeling or call again. Just literally party all night and rap all day. Its just pathetic what this world cares about. For example my aunt is 40 years old Christian and I've never really seen her do something good for the world. My grandma and my aunt go to work raise there children, love there husband, and watch tv. They've never said something inspiring or made me want evolve as a better person they've only been consumed there whole life. For instance I wish my grandmother would have went on nature walks with me or boat trips or more camping trips. Anything besides hounding me about grades that are useless. Grades that only attempt to control the human mind. If you grade badly on a quiz, one could feel ashamed or embarrassed. if you're bestie got a better grade or has better hand writing then you. you might feel belittled. That's the part that's not right to me my whole life everyone around me has asked for excellence or perfection. Yet there's no such thing as perfection the "richest man can still be the poorest". Everyone has a flaw everything has a flaw. You must embrace the bad to get the good and the good to get the bad, balance. There is not enough free time to explore are hidden talents there to busy trying to make us be something were not. School did not teach us how to buy a home or grow our own food. How about how to build a home? Why didn't we ever have field trips to the Bosque or to a homeless shelter or trash picking. Anything besides the useless nonsense they teach us. So thank you APS for teaching me how to read, write and do basic math. But did you really have to take 13 years of my life so I could come out no knowing what I want to do or where I should go. Minimum wage is literally 8.50 an hour and they expect us to make a living and keep up with pretentious grades and extra curriculum activities. So we can go to a college that will put us in financial debt. College should be free, those professors bank off us, for what more money? Money cant buy happiness, or peace of mind but most of all, love. You are the only one who's truly in charge of you're happiness not you're career or you're financial statements, you. I'm thankful for my home but I am not thankful for the men in charge of this country.

Food is just like the school system half and half. My whole life I was fed meat, favorite chicken nuggets from McDonalds, Juicy Stakes, fried chicken! Sure all that stuff is pretty good but did you know it causes cancer? Yes meat protein causes cancer. Also all the other chemicals cant be to good for you. My family doesn't suffer from obesity well I skipped the gene anyway and so did the woman who raised me. So we never really had to watch what we ate of course my grandma always fed me salads with our meals. But she never stopped to think about what she was putting in our body, I guess she never cared how she felt to busy working and raising me. I was never offered the option to be vegan. My family never stop to think why they have an endless supply of meat meaning the stores never run out. Well if you take two seconds to check out some documentary's online you will discover what it takes to eat that lousy piece of meat. Its so inhumane and evil its disgusts me. How can a school system serve hormonal milk and cancerous meat? How can the United states still allow Hyfructose when its been band in 3 other countries along with other fatting chemical's. They sell toxic food on almost every corner. You are literally brainwashed, hypnotized, commercialized, whatever you want to call it. When you turn on the tv, when you go to almost any store, including clothing store's they have candy displayed. America is literally controlled by commercialism everyone cares about one thing, money.

In conclusion this society has evolved quite vastly but not for the greater good. Thankfully there is miraculous, magnificent, wonderful people fighting just like me, to open one's eyes. 51 % Vote for marijuana and why I bring this up is because of the fact 51% believes in the healing power of cannabis. Meaning 51% of the US might just be good hearted Samaritans. And that will give us hope for a brighter future.
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