by on October 24, 2015
Today I hosted my first official intern photo shoot! We had a blast dressing up and smoking out halloween style! My girls Katrina and Shalina KILLED it with their shots! It is amazing to have such a solid group of sweet females growing so close around me! I feel that we can make this an AMAZING community here!
My good friend Neil joined us on this girls day to capture the beauty of it all, and of course smoke some DABS!!! Thank you Neil for coming and making it so awesome! We appreciate your art and your time and love smoking with you! Thank you so very much for the amazing photography as always, and for being such a wonderful friend!!! Love you man!
Personally, I carry the light, so normally halloween isn't my thing. I do not understand the "demon/satanic" craze that is so in your face it's almost insulting. So our ideas today were pretty light and fun like 420nurses do best! We had fun painting our faces and posing for the camera, got extremely medicated and almost had to take a dab nap! We talked of future ideas in store for our chapter, I'm excited to make it everything that we can make it!
I want to have a shoot in the next few weeks, possibly when my chapter leader kit arrives, with interns and ladies interested in joining us, so that they can see what we are all about.
Chapter leaders, what ips do you have on successful meetings/photoshoots?
I really LOVE how these photos turned out!
Happy Halloween from your 420nurse PDX Chapter!!!

Find our photographer, Neil Furey on instagram @imfureyous

Find more photos on my profile!
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