Scarlet LA
by on October 19, 2015
This is going to be short cause I'm on break at workxp but I wanted to share that after months of a struggle I finally have a med card:D its a long story on why it took me like three months but the jest of it was went to a place in Huntington Beach got super lost didn't make it in time before it closed drove home waited till I got a day off went somewhere closer have a Utah ID wouldn't except it or I had to pay 200 bucks for a month to get it rightbthen. I said I'll passxp waited again till I got a day off went to DMV complication happened had to wait again for day off back at DMV got Cali ID but it took two weeks in the mail. Finally got the ID went to a nice place but scary Russian Secretary waited for an hour even though I was the only one in the room. Saw the doctor got my photo taken which I was unprepared for so now I look super sketch drug addict status on my med card.....
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Oh my! Sounds like you had quite rhe adventure! I did too but that condmsisted of being too broke and lazy to spend the money...funny thing was the day i sent it out i bought a scratch it...won my money on my card right back!!!$$$
Like October 20, 2015
Lmao atleast you got it girl!!!
Like October 20, 2015