by on October 13, 2015
So im re typing this after deleting the whole
I wanted. To write about my amazing C-B-D coconut oil our friend porkchop makes! You can find this potent hemp product at the house of pipes!!!(check my businesses page)
I put just a bit of oil into my bath and when i get in i just melt. The euphoria starts and im stuck in the tub. The only better place than the relaxing warmth of the C-B-D water is curled up with my hubby under our fuzzy blankets!!!
So cozy tonight!
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Sounds amazing you're blog made my high intensify because I went to a meeting today at a consultants office for the upcoming event this weekend<img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" /> (my very first one by they way)!! well th... View More
Like October 14, 2015 Edited