The Duchess of Errl
by on October 12, 2015
So I know I'm a little late on my post, but I've been recovering from the cup and I've been getting things ready this last week for my little cousins birthday party. But I didn't forget to tell y'all about my experience at the Xo Gold Cup. Wow I had such an amazing weekend working at the Gold Cup. I got to work as a cavi model, hang out with a group of amazing people, and smoke as much as I wanted. I'm so thankful that I got to have this opportunity.

Day 1 was awesome. The weather was nice and hot and the outfits for perfect for the weather. We had to choose from 3 different styles of bathing suits to wear. Which were super cute, they were not as revealing as I thought they were going to be. While I was getting ready I ran into a friend from high school. Who was also working as cavi model at the events. I am so happy that I ran into her she made my experience a little bit better I felt a lot more comfortable working. Throughout the day we passed out so many things, such as caviar gold key chains, medallions, lanyards, and so many cavi cones. So many goodies were given away. One of the first booth that we stopped at was the 420 nurses to take some dabs and of course show them some love. I love seeing these ladies. I also stopped by Family Trees and got some amazing churros. I can't wait to see them again so I can get my paws on some more!! While I was making my rounds I seen another good friend Joe ded at the carnival klown extract booth doing some awesome paintings. We didn't stay very long after our shift,but did walk around and take some dabs. After a little we grabed some food and made our way back to the hotel when we arrived we were the first girls to check in. When we walked into our room we saw the funniest thing as soon as we walked through the door. We seen on the bed in the most awkward position our chairs. .

Day 2 whoot whoot started off pretty great. Woke up in an awesome mood. i dabbed and got ready, then we headed to the dining hall for some breakfast. The breakfast was okay, but the best thing was I got to make myself some waffles. Ate real quick and then headed to the event. As soon as we got there it started raining. We had to be there at 9 but everybody didn't get there till about 11 so while we were waiting I decided to take some pictures while I stretched. yes i was upside down it looked so cool i had to take a picture.After the gates opened we changed and ventured out and did out Cavi girl dutys taking pictures and greeting guests and then we got to pass out some more goodies. Day two is when I took advantage more of the dabs. Wink i got some awesome dabbs at the caviar gold booth where haggard extracts was giving some awesome dabbs. Also i stopped by over the moon glass,bread'n budder extract and also again carnival klown extracts. i also took part in a smokey socks photo shoot, which was a blast. When my shift started ending i started getting my drink on.. When i got back to the hotel of course i needed to grub.. During the whole weekend i got to spend and work with storm. It was so great spending the weekend with you we had such an amazing time and i would love to work another event with you. I wanted thank the caviar gold team for throwing such an awesome event and really taking care of the staff. I am really looking forward to next year and hoping I can take part in working working again. If you have any picture or videos of me please tag me in them.
<3 much oillove
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I jus recapped our whole experience lol It was loads of fun... let's do it again!
Like October 14, 2015
The Duchess of Errl
Lol yes we needa do it again. It was a fucken blast!!
Like October 14, 2015
Soo awesome!!! Sounds like so much fun!! Can't wait to meet♡
Like October 14, 2015 Edited