by on October 12, 2015
This passed weekend, I attended another La Chapter intern meeting! My third intern meeting to be exact:] I brought one of my closest friends and hair stylist, Elly. She recently bought her intern kit and was able to experience the XO Gold Cup with myself and all the beautiful 420nurses so I was really stoked she had the chance to come.

Every intern meeting is just a reminder of what I can do to achieve my goals with 420nurses and of course, meet more nurses and vibe out! I was inspired to work even harder to reach an official title and my career in the cannabis industry when another one of my close girl friends, Kooki, was nominated for a position. Shout out to Kooki! wooo! You go girl! Hard work pays off:] Lately,I had already been trying to juggle accordingly my work (budtending, 420nurses internship, promoting, networking, etc.) along with family hardships. I knew if I wanted to stay proactive with 420Nurses and my modeling, I needed to buckle down and strive for those goals, stay organized, be productive, and not let time pass me by.

Amazing opportunities have still been coming my way and at this meeting, I had the pleasure of meeting a business owner and landed a promoting gig at Love Groove along side a couple of my 420 nurse babes, which is happening this Sunday! This all let up to my realization that i need to focus, invest in myself, and manifest my dreams! I couldn't be happier to be surrounded by my beautiful 420 nurses family to keep each other motivated !! Can't wait for the next link up at our LA Headquarters! Find out about my upcoming events, photo shoots, and everything going on this fall in a blog that I shall be posting today:]

Here's a fun throwback from my first intern meeting with Kooki and Jewels <3
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