by on October 5, 2015
Hello everyone! Just a rambling of my day here because I can't sleep!
I got to sleep in until noon but sadly this gave me only two hours to be at work. I had to rush to cook and eat and make/drink my tea (I drink an average of 2-5 cups of tea per day... I think I may have an issue... naw!). I work in a dishroom of a large-ish college as a dishwasher. 2-10:pm. Then my mom came to drive me to McMinnville (my license is suspended because I have seizures) so that I can catch the 6:25am bus to Grand Ronde to go to work (at my other job) as an in home care provider for seniors and people with disabilities. On the plus side to all of this, I got to eat and have tea before work, my mom is awesome, I got to smoke with friends before bed AND my check came in the mail.

What does my check coming in the mail mean other than money you ask? It means I can FINALLY order my intern kit plus a few other item I have been eyeballing for the past week now!!! After tomorrow, I will just have to be so fricken patient for it to be packed with love and care and shipped out to me! Maybe this is why I can't sleep... I'm too excited! I'm going to go online right now and figure out everything I'm going to order. Much love everyone! If you're reading this, smile you're rad! Spam me with love and I will return it tomorrow <3
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