by on September 14, 2015
I Stay active as a 420 nurses because its important for the world to know and understand the many benefits of a beautiful natural plant. That isnt the only reason tho it opens me to whole new world I have never really witnessed as a stoner. Being a 420nurse gives me the chance to medicate freely and not be afraid to show the benefits of it. Ever since I became a 420Nurse I have meet new people in the community and have helped people become apart of the community as well and its a great feeling knowing that they were hesitant about using Medical Marijuana and now there not. All the events are examples of how big this community is and still continues to grow its a beautiful seed that continues to grow and that is what i love about it. 420Nursses are part of the influence given to the community we don't just smoke weed we support it, we share it, we help people understand it and there is nothing greater than helping others understand a great existing object that can possibly change the world.
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