by on September 11, 2015
So this past long weekend I decided to go to the fair. I opted to take edibles than taking a few joints. At the fair I had up to 6 green hornets. I ate about 4 of them. I noticed I felt amazing. I was able to walk long distances the heat wasn't too much. I also noticed that I was engulfing every fried thing that came my way. I loved it. First time I went to the fair and didn't feel insecure about eating. I was worried that 4 would be too much for my body but they were perfect. A delicious and strong treat for those time you can't smoke or just cuz you like candy. ߘ Overall best green hornet and fair experience.
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I ate 2 Sativa's and 2 indica green hornets ߘ
Like September 11, 2015
Awe I'd kill for dispensary edibles! I only have access to amazing C-B-D
Like September 11, 2015