by on September 11, 2015
I eat everything ORGANIC, everything! America has over 6 ingredients on our stores shelf's that are banned in 8+ countries. No other country eats like us. We have the Highest obesity rate in the world!!! But if you are over weight or at risk, know that it is not your fault! it is our country's. we are feed poison and we aren't even aware of it, they hide if from us. the common American doesn't even know or ever heard of a GMO. I myself was 30+ pounds over weight from 12-17yrs old, until i gained knowledge. We are born to be vegan, meat/animal products are the main cause of pollution, drought,extinction and health issues. Once i learned, my life has gone only up! From my moods, to my body, and spirit! I feel alive! What people does realize is that those GMO (chemicals) are what control our thoughts, they make us zombie like. Through my teens i was a crazy party girl, so unhealthy, complained everyday about not feeling well, moody. but like i said, once i gave my body what it wanted my life fell into place! But n=know that the switch is hard, it takes time! This is a huge problem in our world, so i encourage you to make the switch and gather information to spread knowledge!!
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You are amazing !!!!! I might just print this out and pass it around!
Like September 11, 2015 Edited