by on August 19, 2015
So this weeks orders were to play with some sort of smoke in our 420 Nurse gear.

I absolutely love playing with smoke so this wasn't going to be a problem for me.

I chose to use my Pure Vape which you can check for at your local collective or on Instagram @PureVape55.
They're disposable vape cartridges which I love because I'm not one for dirty hands.

I also do prefer my cartridges to be Indica, and not to mention all the yummy flavors they have.

I am a vape lover and a fan of being able to medicate freely at anytime it truly has helped me
get through times where I've needed to medicate and be discreet.

I always try and snap photos here &there when I can so here's some moments
of me enjoying my vape and having some fun with the self timer.

Much Love Always
xO Storm
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