by on August 12, 2015
What is Hempfest?
Hempfest is not only a HUGE Festival for showing off your glass and beads, and smoking weed, but Hempfest is a movement.
Founded in Seattle, WA in 1991 as the Washington Hemp Expo(WaHE) with only 500 attendants.
That first year started the built to a STRONG Cannabis community, stronger then it has ever been.
With now being the WORLDS largest annual event Advocating the Cannabis Law Reform.
Hempfest has been and still is FULLY FUNDED by the Cannabis Community. The state does not fund or promote this event, like they do with so many other events.
Since 1991 Hempfest has been strong on their fight to help change the world. To educate not only the world but LAW ENFORCMENT on the MANY uses of Cannabis.
Hempfest believes that the public is better served when citizens and public officials work cooperatively in order to successfully accomplish common goals.
Hempfest has moved from Washington and can now be found being funded by YOUR cannabis community. Go to for more information
And as you walk around hempfest and see our Law enforcement co mingle with our smokers, as you toke your bowls, and light your torches, please remember what we are here to do.
Visit booths and gain information or just stop in to show support.
They provide 3 music Stages with different varieties of music they have set up around the park.
They have many informational booths to get a park map or to find your favorite booth.
Most important don't be afraid to ask. Ask to join a smoke circle or ask for information.
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