Grim Kardashian
by on August 9, 2015
As I had mentioned in my previous blogs, I am in love with this week's nurses orders. The open forum to express sexuality is rare and many people are timid when trying to explore their sexuality, even in the small scales of sexy themed photoshoots. Being comfortable in your skin will always be the sexiest thing about you. Even I feel strange when people compliment me on my confidence because, to be quite honest, I feel like a socially awkward lizard when I'm in front of the camera and a stammering mad man whenever I'm hosting events or announcing Roller Derby bouts. My most said and favorite advice has always been fake it till you make it.

When I first took to cannabis, I was nervous and afraid. People call it a drug in the negative way and most of us grew up highly uneducated on the true value of cannabis. I was pretty much a wreck in life and my husband, a seasoned cannabis user compared to me, kept asking me if I wanted to smoke with him. Thinking of all of the misconceptions of "potheads," I couldn't bring myself to join him until one day I thought, "He's just as productive, if not more, than me and he's completely stress free and happy." so I figured, "Why not?" This decision was probably the best decision I ever made in my life. Although the stigma against cannabis users still exists, being able to openly use cannabis is a freedom unlike any other.

The freedom I feel with cannabis is similar to that of the freedom I feel with my body. It took me a long time to truly love myself. While having a conversation with my grandmother about my new job traveling the world doing what I loved at the time, fixing military weapons, I kept apologizing for what felt like bragging. My work had been noticed and I was put in charge of complicated projects while being one of 4 women in my team of over 100. She stopped me and said something along the lines of, "Why do you keep apologizing? Why wouldn't you speak proudly of your accomplishments?" So I stopped apologizing and just felt proud of myself and applied it to all aspects of my life.

Women are taught to be humble and meek so, when one is approaching ones sexual revolution, it takes a little convincing. You know you can experience critique from those who are uncomfortable with overt sexuality but why apologize for being you? Some people can go all out but they most likely honed that skill over many trials and tribulations. I love the fact that cannabis gave me an in into a culture so amazingly diverse and 420 Nurses has brought me into a culture that combines sexuality with cannabis by showing people that it's ok to feel free. So many of the ladies on this site have experienced negative criticism for either being too sexy or too open with their cannabis use and here at 420 Nurses it is a safe and encouraging environment where people can explore their freedoms free of judgement. I hope you find your freedom and show it to the world.
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Gypsy Jayne
seriously in love with this!!!!!!! So much respect <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" />
Like August 15, 2015
mad respect.. <3
Like August 15, 2015