by on August 6, 2015
420 Nurses has been there motivating and supporting me since i began my 420 nurses journey.

This passed weekend I had an amazing opportunity to go to the music festival, HARD SUMMER. SIDE NOTE: i, along with hundreds of other people, totally unknowingly bought a fake ticket for both days for a fat chunk of cash, but an angel from God ended up helping me get a real ticket to attend! CLOSE ONE. Both days I wanted to rock 420 nurses, of course! We gotta spread the word every where we go:]
I last minute ordered a couple items from our online store. I am so so so BEYOND happy the package arrived literally just a couple hours of me leaving to the event. HALLELUJAH!! 2 day shipping does not mess around! Not to mention all the extra awesome goodies that were included inside. I was able to rock my awesome new gear as well as hand out stickers to every 420 friend i encountered and stick them everywhere ;] Blessed to have ladies looking out for me and making sure i have everything i need to push forward in my internship and to promote 420 Nurses! You ladies are the absolute best! anddd noted: never buy festival tickets via online stranger ever again.

I'm slowly but surly checking off items on my wishlist to rep our brand everywhere <3 I literally want everything and in both colors lol. Check out some of the gear i repped! I'll be posting more photos from my adventure soon

Peace. Love. Unity. Respect. ~Happy Medicating~
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