Grim Kardashian
by on August 4, 2015
I don't know about you but I am so excited about this week's Nurses Orders! I did a lot of thinking about my next set of blogs and the sexy theme that was presented to us this week kicked my brain into overdrive. This week I will be doing MULTIPLE blogs because I am so stoked to talk about sexual revolution.

I recently did a podcast with a couple good friends of mine and most of the conversation was based around sexuality. The other guest on the show does a couples porn blog with her husband and is a very good friend of mine. Some people are very squeamish when it comes to overt sexuality. I even read a blog about how this very organization is an insult to real nurses because we are "too sexy." Can one really be too sexy? I used to come up in arms when people shamed sexuality, not so much anymore. I don't feel that sexuality should be defended, just represented.

The 420 Nurses community has so many different types of women. I find myself overwhelmed by the variety of beauty that makes up the lot of us. I can understand how that could be intimidating to others. I found it challenging at first to get in touch with my inner Nurse. I find vernacular and extensive knowledge in Tarantino writing style development sexy as fuck but the aesthetic value of the woman in general was equally appealing to me in the sense that seeing so many women comfortable in their skin forced me to find that same confidence within myself. Paired with the fact that the 420 Nurses community is so helpful and uplifting, my journey to find myself has taken many turns as I've learned and grown with my fellow Nurses.

Not only are the Nurses diverse in their sexiness, so many of us are talented in so many ways. A lot of gardeners out there, I see you! I even find myself looking to other Nurses Instagram pages for general advice, product recommendations and outfit ideas. When I'm feeling low in the confidence department, seeing the other ladies rocking it in their photos boosts me back up where I need to be. This series of blogs will highlight the beauty of all things sex and I can't wait to share more of me with you.

I'll leave you with of my quick, go-to confidence boosting rituals:

- Fake it till you make it: It's my mantra and it works. I'm doing it right now!
- Love yourself first: You can't sell something you don't believe in. There's nothing wrong with owning who you are confidently and proudly.
- Positive vibes only: Compliment life's beauty. Write down three things that make you feel happy, beautiful, sexy, joy. Repeat daily.

Stay sexy, Babes and Beards!

Until next time,
xo - Grim
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Loved this. Can't wait to read more.
Like August 4, 2015