by on August 4, 2015
Yesterday, I went to the 420nurses meeting and I was really anxious at first, but once I was there and had been introduced to everyone, I had never felt so comfortable in my own skin.

this past year has been one for amazing growth and lots of accepting and loving myself. my journey is barely starting and somehow, in that room I just knew I was in the irght place. I'm struggling a little bit with the website, and I know that it's going to take a lot of hard work to get to where I want to be (an official 420Nurse) but nothing worth it will ever come easy, and I'm excited to work and grind, and to learn all that I can about the cannabis industry.

I have been smoking since I was 14 years old, I am currently 22, so that's about 8 years, and I can' wait to make it 10, 20...so on and so forth.

I also love the fact that we can blog on this site. I've been a writer for just as long as I've been a pothead. For me they both go hand and hand. I really enjoy smoking and then laying down and curling up with a book, my notebook and a pen to write and read and observe. I also really enjoy smoking and listening to music and just writing about how it makes me feel. The thing I really enjoy about smoking before listening to music is how much more attentive I am to the lyrics, the instruments used, the texture, the timing, etc of music and I can sit and decipher each song.

I'm just really excited, this blog is awesome, the meeting was awesome, and I finally feel like I am where I was meant to be.

I am extremely grateful and excited to begin this journey, to work my ass off (figuratively, i have a beautiful ass), and to create an opportunity for myself to grow and change.

much love,
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same here! I'm super excited <img src="http://420nurses.com/file/pic/emoticon/default/smile.png" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" /> im sorry we didn't get to discuss fear & loathing and it's amazingness but I hope to soon! much love Kooki<3
Like August 4, 2015
same here! I really adore his books/articles, I actually met the owner of mystery pier books a few months ago and he talks about hunter on such a real and amazing level. I actually read his bio and it reminds me so much of myself and so Many things I wish I could express...can I message you my numbe... View More
Like August 4, 2015
I messaged you my number I have texting ^.^
Like August 4, 2015