by on July 7, 2015

This is my blog for this weeks nurse orders "Fun themed" photo shoots. This is my 3rd week being a 420 nurse intern and I'm loving every second of it and gaining so much confidence along the way! Before becoming a part of the 420 Nurse family, I had previous modeling experience. After having my daughter, I began suffering from body dysmorphia. I'd study and analyze every little stretch mark or obsess over how my skin wasnt taut anymore. No matter how much family and friends tried to convince me, I wasn't buying it. I had absolutely no control over my negative thoughts. Today, in this present time and having met all you amazing ladies, I now know that its how you perceive yourself that makes you beautiful. Yes, I have stretch marks but so what!? I earned those. They are God damn tiger stripes and I AM FIERCE.
I am now confident enough to get back in front of a camera, and rock it! And it took until today to realize that. It's not about how you look but how you feel. So if you are wondering about my photo shoot progress..I'm killing it. I can do it, but it's only because of you. The messages, the comments.. Keeps me going. I Thank you for all of your love and support. And I Thank you for reading this. Until next time friends.
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<img src="" alt="Wink" title="Wink" title="v_middle" /> <3
Like July 7, 2015
Grim Kardashian
These are great pictures, you're obviously super comfortable in your skin, who even notices stretch marks with that kind of confidence?
Like July 7, 2015
Aww thank you !! Means a lot coming from you as I'm envious of your confidence <3 [x=59131]Grim Kardashian[/x]
Like July 7, 2015
Grim Kardashian
Awwwww shucks, [x=71682]NickiNarcotic420[/x] I'm pure fake it till you make it! It's the secret to life <img src="" alt="Wink" title="Wink" title="v_middle" />
Like July 7, 2015